Teeksa Photography |
Photography of Skip Schiel |
THE TROUBLES-9 Links helping people understand the crisis exacerbated by the attacks of September 11, 2001 Assembled by Skip Schiel February 8, 2002 |
US Jittery at Symbolic Meetings of Grieving Families Published
on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 in the New Zealand Herald |
Redux: Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein San
Francisco Bay Guardian |
With Cheney at the helm since 1995, Halliburton quickly grew into America's number-one oil-services company, the fifth-largest military contractor, and the biggest nonunion employer in the nation. Martin A. Lee |
The Right and US Trade Law: Invalidating the 20th Century The Nation,
October 15, 2001 |
Castro Wows Closing Ceremonies Of NGO Forum By William
Wong AntiRacismNet/Project Change Team |
The War Resisters League affirms that all war is a crime against humanity. We therefore are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war. |
Arrested at |
Reflections At Ground Zero Nonviolent Activist, Jan-Feb 2002 by Frank Morales |
http://www.warresisters.org/ nva0102-3.htm |
Nonviolent Resistance in the Islamic World Nonviolent
Activist, Jan-Feb 2002 |
http://www.warresisters.org/ nva0102-1.htm |
Nonviolence Web began in 1995 by dragging some of the U.S.'s most
dynamic peace groups online, providing them with free webmastering and
hosting. |
http://www.nonviolence.org/ | |
are witnesses of their time. They reflect the events swirling around
them. Their work is formed in the labors of giving birtha mixed
blessing of joy and suffering, of the ecstasy and agony of forging out
of the artists substance an image that mirrors their existence
against the background of their time, our time. |
to Marquerite Helen, Jim Casteris, Mazin Qumsiyeh, Dinah Starr, Shawn McGivern,
Esther Murer (Types & Shadows), American Friends Service Committee
(New England region), Lisa Taylor, Teresa Williams, Frank Houde, Louise
Dunlap, Meck Groot, Tracy Marks, Bob Schiel and others for leading me to
many of these sites.
The views of what's linked are not necessarily those of the website manager, Skip Schiel |