Archived Paired Photos from the Levant
by Skip Schiel

September - December, 2004

© Skip Schiel 2004



1: Cairo
By Skip Schiel

Photos: boy selling nuts; water for sale, a kilometer or so from the Nile; both September 2004

Cairo , on my way to Palestine and Israel . A five day stopover to visit my nephew, to sense a portion of the Islamic world (once Christian, I learned recently about Egypt , in the few centuries before the advent of Islam).

A walk along the Nile, just before it enters the Mediterranean , remembering “our lives are rivers, flowing to empty, into the sea, which is death.” (Or the eternal)

Today, David (my nephew) and I visit antiquity, further south along the Nile, burial sites, me primarily to connect with the ancestors, absorb their wisdom, learn from their mistakes, help make a new way from no way.