Active Stills. Israeli photo collective, activestills.org
Alternative Information Center: www.alternativenews.org
Alternatives to Violence Programs (AVP) in Palestine and Israel, contact Joe DiGarbo, jdigarbo@gmail.com
American Friends Service Committee, youth programs in Gaza & the West Bank, & advocacy programs in Israel, www.afsc.org/office/palestine
Anarchists Against the Wall, Israeli activists, www.awalls.org
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, www.badil.org
Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights, bcpr.blogspot.com
Breaking the Silence: Testimonies of former Israeli soldiers: www.breakingthesilence.org.il
B'Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, studies and reports, btselem.org
CAMERA, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a monitoring and advocacy group usually highly supportive of mainstream Israel, www.camera.org
(for an expose of one of CAMERA's efforts to undermine Wikipedia)Caterpillar campaign, about the bulldozers used to demolish homes and uproot olive trees, www.globalexchange.org/economicactivism/caterpillar/campaigns
Christian Peacemakers Teams, nonviolent intervention, www.cpt.org
Coalition of Women for Peace, Israeli women's peace & justice initiative, www.coalitionofwomen.org/?lang=en
Combatants for Peace, www.combatantsforpeace.org/event.asp?lng=eng
Committee for the Open Discussion of Zionism, codzorg.net
The Compassionate Listening Project, methods for resolving conflict thru dialog, www.compassionatelistening.org
Electronic Intifada, electronicintifada.net/new.shtml
Ecumenical Accompaniers for Peace in Palestine & Israel, witnessing and supporting, coordinated by the World Council of Churches, www.eappi.org
Free Gaza Movement, bringing activists and humanitarian supplies to Gaza, www.freegaza.org
EcoPeace Middle East, working with and through the environment to foster peace & justice, www.foeme.org
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, www.gcmhp.com/en
(www.gazamentalhealth.org accepts donations from US residents for the Programme)Gaza Ark
www.gazaark.org/gfmThe Geneva Accord, one of many peace proposals, this one worked out by high level but unofficial people from Israel and Palestine, www.geneva-accord.org
Grassroots International, funds projects in Palestine, www.grassrootsonline.org//where-we-work/middle-east
Gush Shalom, education and direct action by Jewish Israelis, www.gush-shalom.org
Haaretz, Left-Mainstream Israeli Daily Newspaper, www.haaretz.com
Holy Land Trust, reality tours & nonviolence training, www.holylandtrust.org
If Americans Knew, What Every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine, www.ifamericansknew.org
Interfaith Peace Builders, reality tours, http://ifpb.org/delegations/upcoming.html
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), uncompromisingly committed to struggles for human emancipation, of which the liberation of the Palestinian people and land is an indispensable part, ijsn.net
International Solidarity Movement, direct action & education led by Palestinians, palsolidarity.org
Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions, youth outreach, prevention of home demolitions & rebuilding homes, www.icahd.org
Israel-Palestine: Creative Regional Initiatives (IPCRI), www.ipcri.org
Itisapartheid, about apartheid in Israel-Palestine, www.itisapartheid.org
Jewish Voice for Peace, www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org
J Street, "the new address for Middle East peace & security,"www.jstreet.org
Machsom Watch, checkpoint monitoring by Jewish Israeli women, www.machsomwatch.org
MIFTAH, Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue & Democracy, information and analysis, www.miftah.org
New Profile, Israeli feminist challenge to militarized Israeli society, newprofile.org/english
NGO Monitor, making NGOs accountable, www.ngo-monitor.org
Palestine Monitor, news source, www.palestinemonitor.org
Palestinian News Network, news source, english.pnn.ps
Palestine Remembered, al-Nakba 1948, www.palestineremembered.com
Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, information about the boycott-sanction-divestment movement, www.pacbi.org
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, www.pchrgaza.org
Palestinian Hydrology Group, promoting awareness and collecting data, www.phg.org
Parents Circle - Families Forum, Bereaved Palestinian and Israeli families supporting peace, reconciliation and tolerance, www.theparentscircle.com
PASSIA, Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, www.passia.org
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, phr.org.il/default.asp?PageID=4
Quakers with a Concern for Palestine-Israel, network of Friends groups in North America, www.quakerpi.org
Quaker Palestine Israel Network (QPIN), Coordinating Quaker Efforts to Bring Peace and Justice to Palestinians and Israelis, qpinblog.wordpress.com
Rabbis for Human Rights, justice for Palestinians and Israelis, rhr.org.il/eng
Ramallah Friends School, www.palfriends.org
Refuser Solidarity Network, www.refusersolidarity.net
Right to Education Campaign, at Birzeit University, right2edu.birzeit.edu/
Sabeel, The Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, www.sabeel.org
Seeds of Peace, In the face of some of the world’s most intractable conflicts, Seeds of Peace gives rise to new generations of leaders uniquely inspired and equipped to build lasting peace, www.seedsofpeace.org
Settlement Watch, a project of Peace Now, peacenow.org.il/eng
Skip Schiel, teeksaphoto.org, skipschiel.wordpress.com
Solomania, a blog critical of critics of Israel, www.solomonia.com/wp
Stop the Wall, the grassroots Palestinian anti-apartheid wall campaign), www.stopthewall.org
Ta'ayush, Arab-Jewish partnership in direct action, www.taayush.org
Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East, peace & justice in Palestine/Israel, www.uujme.org/home
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs(UN OCHA), www.ochaopt.org/content.aspx?id=1010271
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, www.endtheoccupation.org
Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel, www.vtjp.org
Viva Palestina
www.vivapalestinia.orgWhich Corporations are Profiting from the Israeli Occupation?
www.whoprofits.orgWomen in Black, Israeli women in support of Palestinian rights, womeninblack.org/vigils-arround-the-world/europa/israel
The World Comes to Jerusalem, originally partially in Russian, a compendium of photos of world celebrities visiting Israel in the 1960s, by Sara and Eli Ross, www.jerusalem-korczak-home.com/sar/sa1.html
Yesh Gvul, refusnik support, www.yeshgvul.org.il/en/about-2
Zochrot, "remembering," identifying and touring destroyed Arab villages in israel, www.nakbainhebrew.org/index.php?lang=english
Book & Video list, suggestions from Skip Schiel, click here
Broken Promises, Broken Dreams, by Alice Rothchild, alicerothchild.com/?page_id=4
"Building Palestinian Solidarity, Demanding Divestment," by Ora Wise & Mohammed Abed, www.warresisters.org/nva/nva0905-3.htm
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples, Pappe, Ilan
Jeff Halper:
"What are you doing? What have you become?" 2005, www.counterpunch.org/halper11072005.html
"The Key to Peace: Dismantling the Matrix of Control," 2006, www.icahd.org/eng/articles.asp?menu=6&submenu=3
"A Middle Eastern Confederation," 2005, www.fromoccupiedpalestine.org/node/180
Ha'aretz, one of the leading and bravest Israeli newspapers, a lecture to journalism students by Amos Schoken, publisher of Ha'aretz, 2002 www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=209509&contrassID=2&subContrassID=4&sbSubContrassID=0&listSrc=Y
"Imagining Israel-Palestine Peace--Why International Law Matters" with Professor Richard Falk (edited)
www.thejerusalemfund.org/ht/d/ContentDetails/i/7143/pid/223"The Importance of the Third Temple," by Jan Willem van der Hoeven, www.think-israel.org/apr04bloged.html#apr04.299
“The Israel Lobby,” by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, 2006, www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/mear01_.html, later a book
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East, by Sandy Tolan, 2006
Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie, by Rachel Corrie (Author), The Corrie Family (Editor, Introduction) Rachel Corrie, 2008
A New Legal Framework for Managing the World's Shared Groundwaters: A Case Study from the Middle East, Fadia Daibes-Murad
On the Border, Michel Warschawski, 2005
Palestine & Palestinians, a guide book, www.palestineonlinestore.com/books/palestineandpalestinians.htm
"Palestine/Israel, Ferrying Everyone Across the Shore of Liberation," by Annette Herskovits, www.bpf.org/html/whats_now/2006/herskovits_liberation.html
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, by Jimmy Carter, 2006
"Quaker Witness in Palestine," Betsy Brinison, in Friends Journal, September 2010, www.friendsjournal.org/2010070
“Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied Since 1967,” by John Dugard for the United Nations, September 2006, and later www.miftah.org/Display.cfm?DocId=12812&CategoryId=8
"Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict," Richard Goldstone, UN Human Rights Council, 2009
www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/12session/A-HRC-12-48.pdfSara Roy:
“Living with the Holocaust: The Journey of a Child of Holocaust Survivors,” www.peaceworkmagazine.org/pwork/0212/021222.htm
"79 Percent of Gazan Households are Living in Poverty—The Economy of Gaza" (October 4, 2006), www.counterpunch.org/roy10042006.html
Undeveloping GazaSearching for Peace in the Middle East, a video (DVD) by Landrum Bolling, free, 2006, www.fmep.org
Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle, Mazen Qumsiyeh, 2005
Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, A Primer, by Phyllis Bennis, 2007
Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit: Books, Vandana Shiva, 2002
When the Rains Return: Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Palestine and Israel, prepared by an International Quaker Working Party on Israel and Palestine, AFSC, 2004
When the Rivers Run Dry: Water—the Defining Crisis of the Twenty-First Century, Fred Pearce, 2006
The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of Religious Nationalism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Rosemary R. Ruether and Herman J. Ruether
"Zionists Proclaim the New State of Israel," published in the New York Times on May 15, 1948, www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/0514.html
Compiled by Skip Schiel, with help from Nancy Murray and Anne Remley