What else did I notice about Occupy Wall Street? General good will, openness to media people like me, some lassitude, lots of innovation like the re-envision money people that featured a questionnaire about money matters which I did fairly well at and the haircut demo, signs of all sorts, drumming, at times incessant (I learned later that this is a problem: too noisy. The decision-making process is stretched here—who has authority in this authoritiless milieu, or put differently, what is best for the collective?), lack of privacy, and what I surmise might be low-level misery generally. How to wash, shit, pee (especially during the night for those of us needing relief), eat one's favorite foods, find solitude, etc. Perhaps most important is that this unveils deep hopes and frustrations. Hopes for justice, civility, and equality; frustrations with greed, malevolence, corruption, and old thinking. As Vincent Harding told us at the Allied Media Conference last summer in Detroit, a new American Revolution is brewing, what will be its story?