Detroit Up and Down, 2014 :: 7 :: Interfaith March for Justice: From Birmingham to Birmingham (part 2 of 2)

A march in downtown Birmingham—Birmingham Michigan—one of the most affluent suburbs of Detroit, in support of the rights of Detroit pensioners, public transit riders, and voters. Organized by the Michigan Conference and Detroit Metropolitan Association of the United Church of Christ on April 5, 2014.

Detroit-Birmingham march-2092
Detroit-Birmingham march-2092
"Mamie Chalmers personifies the Birmingham, Mich. to Birmingham, Ala. connection in the struggle for human dignity. At age 20, the Alabama native joined the movement and in 1963 was among the demonstrators attacked by police dogs, and eventually lost part of her hearing from the water hose blasts. She was arrested and spent five days in the Birmingham County jail. Yet, she attended the historic March on Washington that year."

skipschiel (at)