"Be like a watered garden: open to grace, and loose the bonds of injustice" (part three of three)

Quaker Advocating Justice for Palestine, an interest group in New England Yearly Meeting, organized at New England Yearly Meeting session a program about the occupation and siege of Palestine by Israel. This included an informatation table, road signs, a workshop by the American Friends Service Comittee about its Apartheid Free Communities campaign, a brief presentation about Be Bold Bernie (Sanders) in Vermont, assisted Friends in Vermont as they presented minutes (statements) about the AFSC campaign, No Child Left Behind, cosponsored a workshop by Friends Committee on Legislation about Palestine-Israel, installed a photo exhibit about the Nakba (Palestinian Catastrophe), and arranged three informal drop in discussions during lunch.

New England Yearly Meeting-Quaker-Teeksa-Israel-Palestine-Schiel _IMG_3710
New England Yearly Meeting-Quaker-Teeksa-Israel-Palestine-Schiel _IMG_3710
No Way to Treat A Child minutes

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