Photography of
Skip Schiel
An Online Photographic Exhibit
In central Massachusetts, often called the Accidental Wilderness, the primary water supply of the entire Boston region, now threatened by the prospect of attack. Closed recently, now partially open, but for how long?
All images and text copyright Skip Schiel, 2002
Rebecca's Story By Skip Schiel
To depict
an absence, a lossas with my Boston harbor project, what is no
longer in the harbor because of pollutionis an immense undertaking.
In the Quabbin case my task is to show what we no longer have, access
to a public site. Little by little, without an outcry, our basic human
rights vanish. Our access to a site of profound healing is denied to
us because of this supposed threat to our well-being. |
you been denied access to Quabbin, |
PhotographySkip Schiel
Sacramento Street
Cambridge Massachusetts 02138-1819 617-441-7756 |