Photography of
Skip Schiel
An Online Photographic Exhibit
In central Massachusetts, often called the Accidental Wilderness, the primary water supply of the entire Boston region, now threatened by the prospect of attack. Closed recently, now partially open, but for how long?
All images and text copyright Skip Schiel, 2002
Sacred sleep
to lift up and out of
to sense amidst the rape and torture,
racism and mayhem
that there is the firewood
which will ignite on overnight coals,
that the landscape beckons,
snow covers broken ground and
life survives, summoning me
to know its secrets, rich abiding
moment, contentment.From Suzanne Belote Shanley, co-director of Agape Community, on the eastern edge of the Quabbin watershed I am struck, as only time in solitude can provide, by the depth of silence I require and how few companions on the way to this silence, who long for the primordial.
Have you been denied access to Quabbin,
or kept yourself from visiting forbidden zones?
What is your story?
Would you like to publish it on my site?
Please contact me.