A Chronicle of My Life During the Coronavirus-19 Crisis-part 23—August 24-November 6, 2021

As the Covid pandemic slowly recedes on the day of posting this segment (May 29, 2023, Memorial Day) the panic I and billions of people felt two years ago turns into relief that I and billions have survived. I notice in this grouping of photos that I represent climate justice action, along with joyful band music and family achievement.

Extinction Rebelllion-HONK-Skip Schiel CopyrightIMG_8923
Extinction Rebelllion-HONK-Skip Schiel CopyrightIMG_8923
"The leaked 2022 IPCC report makes clear that we are running out of time to stop climate catastrophe. I am 12 years old, and if we don't take drastic action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions before I graduate high school, it will be too late. We are HONKing for our future and to demand a just transition off fossil fuels.” - Clara Golinsmith, in 7th grade, member of Extinction Rebellion Youth Boston.

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