Photography of Skip Schiel
Resources for Photography
(primarily in the Boston area)By Skip Schiel
(Revised April 2019)
All images, text & design © Skip Schiel 1990 - 2019
Stores—For equipment and suppliesAdorama, 42 W 18th St, New York, NY 10011, 212-741-0063
B & H Photo Video-Electronics and Camera Store, 420 9th Ave, New York, NY 10001, 800-606-6969
Artist & Craftsman Supply, (non photographic), 580 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge (Central Square), 617-354-3636 or 957 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, 617-202-4004
eBay, online auction & direct purchase (I do not use or recommend Amazon because of its voracious business practices; plenty of alternatives exist.)
Hunt's Photo and Video, 100 Main St., Melrose, 662-8822; 99 Mt Auburn St, Harvard Square, Cambridge, 617-576-0969; 514 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215, 617-778-2222
Micro Center, digital equipment, 727 Memorial Drive (corner of Magazine St), Cambridge,Repairs
Sanford Camera and Projector Repair, Arlington, 781-648-2505 (maybe the only in-house repair facility in the Boston area)
Laboratories (processing & printing)
Black & White Inc, Boston, 617-266-2641 or 781-444-0983
Boston Photo Imaging, Boston, 617-450-4362 or email
Digital Silver Imaging, 9 Brighton Street, Belmont, MA 02478 617-489-0035, email
SBI/Hunts (see Stores section)Darkroom rental
LaPete Black & White Photo Labs, 369 Congress St, Fl Sixth, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, 617-459-9209
New England School of Photography (see Schools & centers)—traditional and digital, provided the renter has taken a class in NESOP’s digital imaging classrooms or labBooks
Bending the Frame, Photojournalism, Documentary, and the Citizen, Fred Ritchin, 2013
Beyond Basic Photography, A Technical Manual, Henry Horenstein, 1977
Black and White Photography, 2nd edition, revised, Henry Horenstein, 1983
Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes, 1980
A Concise History of Photography, Ian Jeffrey, 1981
The Contest of Meaning, Richard Bolton, ed., 1989
creative camera control, Peter Laytin, 1996
Criticizing Photographs--An Introduction to Understanding Images, Terry Barret, 3rd edition, 2000
The Digital Photolab, Advanced Black & White Techniques Using Photoshop, George Schaub, , 2002
Electronic Flash Photography, Ron Carraher, 1980
Eyes of Time--Photojournalism in America, Marianne Futon, 1988
Landmark, the Fields of Landscape Photography, William A. Ewing, 2014
Looking at Photographs, John Szarkowski, 1973
Metamorphoses, Photography in the Electronic Age, Aperture, 1994
The History of Photography, Beaumont Newhall, 1982
The Keepers of Light , A History and Working Guide to Early Photographic Processes, William Crawford, 1979
Magnum Landscapes, 1996 (Phaidon Press)
On the Art of Fixing a Shadow--150 Years of Photography, 1989
On Photography, Susan Sontag
Photography, Barbara London, John Upton, Jim Stone, etal, 8th edition
Photographer's Market (latest edition)
Photography in Boston, 1955-1985 , Rachel Rosenfield & Gillian Nagler (eds), 2000
Photography--1900 to the Present, Diana E. Hulick with Joseph Marshall, 1998
the photoshop CS2 book for digital photographers, Scott Kelby
Professional Business Practices in Photography, American Society of Media Photographers, 1997
Reading American Photographs--Images as History, Mathew Brady to Walker Evans, Alan Trachtenberg, 1989
Real World Digital Photography, Katrin Eisman, Sean Duggin & Tim Grey, 2nd edition
Shooting Back, Jim Hubbard, 1991
A World History of Photography, Naomi Rosenblum, 1997, third edition(Photographic Resource Center (as of 2013, this I've not updated for any of the following) has an excellent library, for a fee. Harvard University's Fogg Art Museum , its photographic and print collection, is open to the public at certain brief hours, 617-495-2325, Tu-F, 2-4:45 & Sat, 10 - 12:45 or by appointment.) Lots of good books to browse in the MIT Rotch Architecture library , Mass Ave., no card needed for entrance.
artsMEDIA, Boston's monthly guide to the arts
Photo District NewsStores—books & periodicals
Harvard Book Store, new and used, highly recommended, 1256 Massachusetts Ave., 661-1616
Harvard Square Kiosk, magazines and newspapers, in the middle of Harvard Square
Rodney's, 698 Massachusetts Ave, Central Square, 617-876-6467 & 1362 Beacon St, Brookline, 617-232-0185 (www.rodneysbookstore.com)World Wide Web
Black Star photo agency, www.blackstar.com
Corbis photo collection, pro.corbis.com/
George Eastman House in Rochester NY, a museum, among other functions, www.eastmanhouse.org/
The Image Bank, a stock agency or library, www.theimagebank.com
Magnum photo agency, www.magnumphotos.com/
PhotoArts TopTen Photo Sites, www.photoarts.com
Photo District News, a pro's magazine, www.pdn-pix.com/
Photo presentations, www.cafepress .com, http://www.kodakgallery.com/Welcome.jsp
Photographic information and other resources, www.photosig.com , www.photo.net , www.flickr.com/
Photo Projects, a compendium of information about books, grants, venues, etc, www.photoprojects.org
Photo Tips, www.photographytips.com
Photo Search: The Stock Solution, a stock photo library, www.tssphoto.com/stocklibrary.html
PixelPress, cyber and print publishing, www.pixelpress.org/
Photography in New York, www.photography-guide.com
Reviews of all sorts of gear and services, www.epionions.com
Reviews of digital cameras, www.dpreview.com
Tim Grey's digital darkroom email list, www.timgreyphoto.com
Zone Zero, a gallery, www.zonezero.comSchools & Centers
New England School of Photography, 274 Moody St, Waltham, MA 024530, 617-437-1868
Photographic Resource Center at Lesley University, 1801 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02140, 617-975-0600
Social Documentary Network, programs, exhibits, publications, etc, www.socialdocumentary.net(April 2019)
More writing
- skipschiel@gmail.com
- 9 Sacramento Street
- Cambridge Massachusetts 02138-1843
- 617-441-7756
- www.teeksaphoto.org