portrait of native woman speaking

All images, text & design © Skip Schiel 1990 - 2024



CURRENT, UPCOMING, & PREVIOUS SHOWS: The Ongoing and Relentless Nakba photographic exhibit May 2024 (watch for details)




TO SUBSCRIBE (Email Skip Schiel—me—with "Subscribe Photo-Movie list" in the subject line.)

TO HELP FUND MY PROJECT ABOUT PALESTINIAN REFUGEES & GAZA, CLICK ON "DONATE" TO GO TO PAYPAL. THANK YOU. I am now preparing materials for publications and print exhibit venues. Ideas and leads appreciated. Just write me here.


Updated October 8, 2024

Through photography

Through photography I love: daughters, friends, the earth. Through photography I am outraged: at injustice, pomposity, violence, deceit, ignorance, greed. Through photography: I am perverse, critical, analytic, emotive, radiant, clumsy, elegant, adventurous, irreverent, romantic. Through photography: I am a person of the world, of the cosmos. And I am a recluse, an isolate, a monk.

For all this I am very grateful.

I praise my photographic lineage—ancestors who have taught me, contemporaries who cooperate with me, and successors who might benefit from what I've attempted to do. I thank the great mystery, god, the higher power, the ground of being, the still small voice inside, my dearly beloved and indispensable muses, and the pulse of the universe for allowing me—perhaps—to be aligned with this force, rather than opposed to it.

Photography is my main form of prayer—I pray outward to the beings, things, forces I photograph. I pray inward to my own center by sensing the light within. I pray to others by showing them my photos. I link with the light, both inward & outward. Photography fuses my many tendencies, it allows expression of my various urgencies.

May these images better balance the plethora of main media images we constantly experience: catastrophe, despair, ruination, death. May they help broaden the palette of art to include hope, faith, fun, exhilaration, antics, joy, friendship, worship, love. In the midst of a troubled time, may they affirm the life force. —Skip Schiel, June 18, 2009

Manifesto: of light and image



New-old movies coming; watch this space

climate march-nyc

Climate March in New York City-September 17, 2023
(unedited clip, full movie coming)

For an intelligent response to the climate crisis.

The Ongoing and Relentless Nakba

A preview of a photographic project about the 1948 catastrophe when Israel expelled some 750,000 Palestinians from their homelands (posted January 31, 2023).

Vimeo Channel

Youtube Channel
(partially restored)

Quakers Advocating for Justice in Palestine


Emergency Water & Sanitation
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

EcoPeace Middle East

living christian nonviolence

Hosted by Lesley Art + Design in Boston

Searching for the Seeds of the New Detroit Miracle (2017)—Archived photographs from summer 2017

Folding Bike Photography in Detroit—Archived photographs from fall 2016

Detroit's Seeds of the New Miracle (or Bust)—fall 2014 archive

Detroit Up and Down—spring 2014 Archive

Detroit Up and Down—2013 Archive

Detroit Up and Down—2011 Archive

Detroit photos—2010 Archive

Four part blog about Gaza: Dual Loyalty
Added February 16, 2024

Archive of Nakba photo sets—2019
Updated July 24. 2022

Archive of Nakba photo sets—2018
Revised September 5, 2019

Eyewitness Gaza (movie)
By Tom Jackson, 2011

Eyewitness Gaza (book)
By Skip Schiel, 2012

The Levant in the USA: photos from home
(2007-2020, updated June 2020)

Archive of photo sets—2015
Revised February 25, 2016

Archive of photo sets—2013
Revised August 28, 2014

Archive of photo sets—2012
Revised April 19, 2013

Archive of photo sets—2010
Revised August 17, 2012

Main photo archive

November 2010

Traveling slide shows & exhibitions

Videos about Palestine-Israel
Added February 28, 2009

Suggested actions
for political transformation in Palestine-Israel

More information
about Israel & Palestine social change organizations & media


St Francis Day: Growing the Community of Communities-2024
Added October 8, 2024

Earth Day 2024 ~ A Party for the Planet! (April 22)
Added September 11, 2024

New England Yearly Meeting's 2024 Sessions-Light Abounding
Added September 10, 2024

The Palestine Track at New England Yearly Meeting's 2024 Sessions-Light Abounding
Added September 8, 2024

Mother's Day Walk for Peace
Added June 1, 2024

Retreat at Agape Community and the Quabbin Woods and Reservoir
Added February 25, 2024

A Chronicle of My Life During the COVID Crisis (and as it slowly recedes)-part 26—December 26, 2022 - February 23, 2023
Added February 18, 2024

Added June 12, 2024




Auschwitz to Hiroshima: A Pilgrimage, 1995
2019 On Turtle Island, A Pilgrimage, 1995
2018 Bread & Puppet Theater
2017 Mitakuye Oyasin:
All My Relations



One Family
Revised Aug 15, 2007
2015 One Sky: a series of photographs about historic slavery and contemporary racism
2014 Making the Invisible Visible: Prisons in the United States

Step by Step, Buddhist-Led Peace & Justice Walks

2012 Scent of Earth
2011 A Spirit People: One View of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage

Visions of a New South Africa

2009 Quabbin Reservoir
2008 Other on-line exhibits
2007 What Digital Technology Means to Photography—
page 1-page 2
2006 A Digital Timeline—A History of Digital Technology
Beginnings to 2005
2005 The Troubles —
& Actions Post 911


95 Stories-writing about two pilgrimages in 1995, Auschwitz to Hiroshima and On Turtle Island

Delta Passage: A Journey Home

Passing Thru-photos & writing about the Auschwitz-Hiroshima Pilgrimage: 1995


His two daughters, Jo and Kate, interview Skip Schiel for Storycorps
(January 23, 2021)

Slide show: "And you will be carried where you do not wish to go," a photographic witness & a summary (for the moment & as of 2005) of my photography

"And you will be carried where you do not wish to go," a photographic witness
text (companion to the slideshow above—part 1 of an 8 part series, added, 2010)

As an Artist, How Do I Survive & Thrive?
Revised and added February 15, 2010

Notes on My Quaker Connections in Palestine
Revised and added January 28, 2010

The Palestine-Israel Kaleidoscope, a memoir-part 1
Newly revised and added January 16, 2010

The Palestine-Israel Kaleidoscope, a memoir-part 2
Newly revised and added January 21, 2010

Quakers in Palestine-Israel Timeline
Updated March 29, 2020

Other writing

My Teaching Philosophy

Photo exercise sets:

Photography as a Tool for Political Transformation, a workshop

A theory of photography based on grammatical prepositions

Photo resources
(Boston area, revised May 2009)

Photography information
(revised July 2016)