Teeksa Photography


Photography of
Skip Schiel

Mitakuye Oyasin
(All My Relations)
An online photographic exhibit All images and text copyright Skip Schiel, 2001
A photographic exhibit about Native American struggles for human rights. Sections about the Bigfoot Memorial Ride to Wounded Knee; Wampanoag Indians on Cape Cod; Paiute lands in Nevada and the water rights issue at Pyramid Lake; Indian people in Chicago, Boston, and Juneau, Alaska; homesites of leaders like Chief Joseph and Chief Seattle; battle sites like the Little Big Horn in Montana; a peace run across Canada to support Mohawk struggles at Oka, Quebec; a transcontinental pilgrimage across the United States in 1992 (the 500th anniversary of the Columbian exploit) honoring Indian struggles; and an Indian-led observance at Plymouth, Massachusetts on Thanksgiving Day calling attention to the "National Day of Mourning."

Historic photograph from Lakota lands

A Winter Count (compiled by Skip Schiel based on the Lakota Sioux tradtion of visually depicting their history)

Other exhibits by Skip Schiel

Slide shows

About Skip Schiel

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To contact Skip Schiel

      Teeksa Photography--Skip Schiel
      9 Sacramento Street
      Cambridge Massachusetts 02138-1843
