Photography of
Skip Schiel
Living Wage Campaign
An Online Photographic Exhibit
(added March 1, 2002)
Part of a nationwide campaign for wages that would allow workers to live in the communities they serve, Harvard students occupied an administration building for nearly one month. The result: a committee to investigate pay scales of Harvard's lowest paid workersjanitors, guards, and the like. The recommendation: to increase wages to the local living wage level, approximately $10 hourly in Cambridge Massachusetts. Harvard is the richest university in the world, with an endowment of over 17 billion dollars.
Skip Schiel, living near the university, photographed during and after the occupation period, April 2001.
Teeksa Photography--Skip Schiel 9 Sacramento Street Cambridge Massachusetts 02138-1843 617-441-7756 skipschiel@gmail.com classsroom.ccae.org/~schiel