Teeksa Photography
Photography of
Skip Schiel
An Online Photographic Exhibit
In central Massachusetts, often called the Accidental Wilderness, the primary water supply of the entire Boston region, now threatened by the prospect of attack. Closed recently, now partially open, but for how long?
All images copyright Skip Schiel, 2006
I grew up in Ware, Massachusetts, and never took the Quabbin or its beauty and tranquility for granted
Debrarose L. Gratton I grew up in Ware, Massachusetts and never took the Quabbin or its beauty and tranquility for granted. I loved going for rides over the dikes and the look out area and just driving through for pure visual and mental pleasure. Out of bounds Taking a ride out to Gate 43 was my number one thing to do on a weekend. My brother, father and I used to fish at the public fishing area as well. It was my place to go to unwind from a hectic work week. However, following the 9/11 attacks, the Quabbin became a dreaded area to go for many as everything was being shut down. You can no longer take that drive over the dikes as well —sad. I went to Gate 43 on a Sunday afternoon in hopes of just walking and experiencing the beauty I had always known. I was immediately greeted by a Humvee with two men pointing guns at me!! What? I had grown up in this area and now, I am being treated as if I am some type of terrorist. I can assure you that at the age of 35, being a white All American female, I am NO terrorist. I found it humiliating, degrading and I was fearful of these men holding guns at me. AT ME. I was not even asked why I was there, who I was - nothing. I was immediately branded as someone who should not be there. There were NO signs at the Gate. Had there been a sign, I surely would not have attempted to walk into this area where I have walked hundreds of times before. I felt violated that my land was no longer accessible due to the terrible actions of some foreign people insisting on making our country a shameful place to live. They have succeeded as the Quabbin is no longer open to local Americans and everyone is treated as if they have done something wrong or are going to do something wrong. The Quabbin was built by American hands and American labor, it is being taken away by terrorists.....I have never been back to Gate 43 since and a part of me misses that gorgeous walk. A shame for sure. Perhaps they could provide security at the Quabbin and still allow visitors to experience this vast beauty.... I have never been back to Gate 43 since and a part of me misses that gorgeous walk. A shame for sure. Perhaps they could provide security at the Quabbin and still allow visitors to experience this vast beauty.... To reach the author: debrarose@nc.rr.com (Editor's note: Gate 43 is now open, but the pumping station and adjoining area, once reachable thru the gate, are now blocked. The fishing area is open.) |
you been denied access to Quabbin, |
Teeksa Photography--Skip Schiel
9 Sacramento Street
Cambridge Massachusetts 02138-1819 617-441-7756 skipschiel@gmail.com teeksaphoto.org |