Print version

August 2006


All images, text & design © Skip Schiel 2007

Two Poles: West Coast tour report—March 2007


A journey of discovery and witness has two poles: going somewhere to explore and then returning home to broadcast the news. For me this means regular trips to Israel-Palestine and then, in some ways more difficult, traveling around my United States homeland to show and tell my story. With the thick blanket smothering much dialog and debate about the conflict in the Levant, finding an audience is taxing.

Thanks to family, friends, and many others I met for the first time, I feel the two-month tour was largely successful. I presented to approximately 500 people in 16 different venues, including two Anchorage high schools and 3 Friends meetings. I ranged from British Columbia near the Yukon, thru Alaska, Washington state, to California. The people who organized and hosted shows were usually very good--dedicated, skillful, concentrated, respectful of my needs, and appreciative. I concentrated mostly on the shows, Gaza Scorched and Squeezed and The Hydropolitics of Palestine and Israel , with Quakers in Israel and Palestine and Facts on the Ground (or scroll down on this page) thrown in a few times. I raised approximately $1,200, with my transport and much of my expenses mostly covered by an organization, family, and friends.

Not a huge audience or amount of money but a start. I've donated a portion of the proceeds to various organizations in Israel-Palestine, listing these organizations with links at the end of this letter.

The digital equipment worked flawlessly. The opportunity to revise shows as I encountered new audiences was a distinct benefit. Focusing exclusively on one main topic--Israel-Palestine--helped. Thanks to many incisive questions from audiences, I've learned better what to examine on my next trip to the Middle East next fall. Occasionally someone objected to my views, usually respectfully.

One example of a question leading to further insight came from the last show about Gaza, in Seattle, thru the Episcopal Peace Fellowship. The audience included several Jews who had been many times to the region in support of Palestinian rights, a young man from Gaza, and a woman who'd worked in Gaza with the AFSC and then the UN as a nurse to Palestinian refugees in 1949-50. The question was, that word terrorist , what does it suggest? Maybe try dropping the word entirely and be more specific-- attacker of civilians, self or suicide bomber, fighter, militant, etc. Terrorist tends to demonize the Palestinians and remove the Israelis from the category of terrorist. I've learned to nuance the word martyr , why not terrorist ?

As a bonus, along with visits to beloved family and friends, I experienced a range of terrains: Alaska from drippy Juneau to frozen Atlin, California's temperate and unseasonably dry climate, and Seattle's fog and rain. Luckily I was able to photograph much of this, and put it on my website for circulation. Samples here .

Live oaks, Napa, CA

Anchorage AK

I met different peace groups, such as the Veterans for Peace in Juneau and Juneau People for Peace & Justice, Women in Black on Bainbridge Island, the Japanese Buddhist order Nipponzan Myohoji, and the Lake Forest Peace Group in Seattle, along with many stalwart peace and justice activists. Samples here.

Women in Black, Bainbridge Isl, WA

Veterans' for Peace, Juneau AK

A few problems however: I've more readily found an audience on the West Coast than I have in my own East Coast neighborhood. Despite invitations from three Friends meetings, I've been disappointed that many other Quaker and AFSC groups I invited to host shows were unresponsive. Despite good publicity and personal contacts, the turnout has too often been slim.

While on tour, I continued writing my memoir, Israel-Palestine-Kaleidoscope , about how I arrived at my photo project about Israel-Palestine. It's here.

Now my task is to revise these shows, make some new ones from the photos I made last spring, and begin planning for my return to the Middle East next fall. I intend to further explore my main themes: water politics, youth, non-violent resistance, holy sites, and Quakers. Later this spring I will raise funds for this 4 th journey of witness and discovery in the Levant.

If any of you would like to host one of my shows in the spring or summer of 2007, or, after my return from Israel-Palestine next December, please contact me. Thanks to all for your participation in this difficult struggle for human rights for all people.

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity. And the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

--James, chapter 3

Donated to:

American Friends Service Committee's program in Gaza, Popular Achievement, a youth program building leadership and community service skills

Friends International Center in Ramallah, providing a base for the nonviolent transformation of the conflict

Gaza Community Mental Health Program, offering services to the overwhelming traumatized population

Israel/Palestine Center for Information & Research, a joint organization

Palestinian Hydrology Group, raising awareness and monitoring services

Rabbis for Human Rights, enacting biblical calls for justice and mercy

Ta'ayush, Jews and Palestinians working nonviolently for justice

indicates ready for use

indicates not yet ready, please inquire


Gaza Scorched & Squeezed


By showing people in the Gaza City central hospital, Shifa, & by touching on the water situation, Schiel demonstrates some of the effects of the international aid boycotts that followed the Hamas election victory in early 2006.

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The Hydropolitics of Israel & Palestine


Israel-Palestine has scant water resources, but now with the current strife water is a dramatic mirror of power relationships. Thru an examination of water in various settings--small Palestinian villages & the Gaza strip--along with large cities shared by Israeli Jews & Arabs--Haifa & Jerusalem--Schiel portrays a very difficult to visualize topic.

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Quakers in Palestine & Israel


What do Quakers, the Religious Society of Friends, have to do with Israel-Palestine? By following some of the activities in the Ramallah Friends School & the American Friends Service Committee's work in Gaza & the West Bank (& with references to its efforts in Israel), Schiel shows how this numerically small but often effective group has made a difference in this land of troubles.

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Armed Only with Justice


Aided by Israeli Jews & internationals, Palestinians struggle with non-violent means to bring justice to their land.

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Occupation thru a Velvet Glove


Haifa—A little known story is that of the Arabs in Israel. Second class citizens, yet with rights surpassing those of their sisters & brothers in the West Bank & Gaza, an overwhelming force besieges them.

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The Holy Land


A region holy to Islam, Judaism & Christianity, particular sites often fought over viciously, pilgrims continue to brave the dangers & uncertainties of contemporary Israeli-Palestinian life to express reverence & pleas at sites known for millennia for their supernatural powers.

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The Matrix of Control

A look at the Occupied Territories thru the lens of what Jeff Halper has termed the Matrix of Control. Consider a prison, he writes, the prisoners control some 85% of the territory, but are they free? Walls, fences, bypass roads, roadblocks, checkpoints, soldiers, settlements, and permit systems define the occupation.

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The Living Waters of Israel & Palestine


A print version of the slide show listed above.

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Ordinary People


Street portraits of Palestinians & Israeli Jewish people in Hebron, Ramallah, Nablus, Haifa, & Jerusalem.

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The Matrix of Control

A print version of the slide show listed above.

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In the Steps of the Magi

A slide show about a pilgrimage across the Judean desert from Jericho to Bethlehem by foot during the Christian Holy Week in 2004, & then a reality tour to examine facts on the ground of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, as well as attempts to foster peace & justice

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Occupation: Ordinary Life

A slide presentation about one person's experience of the reality of occupation in Palestine. The threat of suicide bombings, the Separation Wall, checkpoints, road barriers and other elements of the Matrix of Control are only one part--a major part--of Palestinian & Israeli reality. Not to be overlooked is the splendid work done by the Friends School in Ramallah, & the startling vision of Jean Zaru leading the resurrection of the Friends Meeting House also in Ramallah. In addition, this land is known as the Holy Land & the Promised Land. What's so holy, what's so promised? Come see, listen & converse.

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Start Young: Youth & Youth Activism in Israel & Palestine

Slides & narration asking, What does being a youth in Israel & Palestine mean during this period of occupation & severe threat? After outlining conditions for youth—very young to young adult—we look at a variety of organizations in Israel & Palestine that are either primarily by & for youth or incorporate youth directly in their programming. We mention the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions, Rabbis for Human Rights, Baladna, Holy Land Trust, Ecumenical Accompaniers for Peace in Palestine & Israel, Families Forum-Bereaved Israeli & Palestinian Families, & the American Friends Service Committee. In the struggle lies the hope.

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Facts on the Ground


Slide show images from his journey in November 2003 with a delegation from the Fellowship of Reconciliation; topics include the Separation Barrier or Apartheid Wall, area closures, road blocks, curfews, & check points, the settlement movement, olive tree farmers. the role of fear & terror, & stories of nonviolent transformation—The Possibilitarians

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A Letter to New England Quakers from a Friend at the Ramallah Friends School

A slide show in the form of a letter, concentrating on the extraordinary 100+ year old Quaker school in the West Bank city of Ramallah, while providing relevant historical & political context for the school's many challenges.

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Paired Photographs from the Levant

A print exhibit from a journey in 2003 with the Fellowship of Reconciliation, pairings of photos & words depict some of the realities faced by Palestinians & Israeli Jews.

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